Package vasco

Interface Summary
ProgramRepresentation<M,N> A wrapper for the API used by the underlying intermediate representation over which inter-procedural analysis is to be performed.

Class Summary
BackwardInterProceduralAnalysis<M,N,A> A generic backward-flow inter-procedural analysis which is fully context-sensitive.
CallSite<M,N,A> A context-sensitive location of a method invocation.
Context<M,N,A> A value-based context for a context-sensitive inter-procedural data flow analysis.
ContextTransitionTable<M,N,A> A record of transitions between contexts at call-sites.
DataFlowSolution<N,A> A mapping of program points to results of data flow analysis.
ForwardInterProceduralAnalysis<M,N,A> A generic forward-flow inter-procedural analysis which is fully context-sensitive.
InterProceduralAnalysis<M,N,A> A generic inter-procedural analysis which is fully context-sensitive.
OldForwardInterProceduralAnalysis<M,N,A> Deprecated. This is the old API from the initial SOAP '13 submission without call/return flow functions.