Uses of Class

Packages that use PointsToGraph

Uses of PointsToGraph in vasco.callgraph

Methods in vasco.callgraph that return PointsToGraph
 PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.boundaryValue(SootMethod entryPoint)
          Returns a points-to graph with the locals of main initialised to null, except the command-line arguments which are initialised to an array of strings.
 PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.copy(PointsToGraph graph)
          Returns a copy of the given points-to graph.
protected  PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.flowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> context, Unit unit, PointsToGraph in)
          Performs operations on points-to graphs depending on the statement inside a CFG node.
protected  PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.handleInvoke(Context<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> callerContext, Stmt callStmt, InvokeExpr ie, PointsToGraph in)
          Handles a call site by resolving the targets of the method invocation.
 PointsToGraph op1, PointsToGraph op2)
          Returns the union of two points-to graphs.
 PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.topValue()
          The default data flow value (lattice top) is the empty points-to graph.

Methods in vasco.callgraph with parameters of type PointsToGraph
 PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.copy(PointsToGraph graph)
          Returns a copy of the given points-to graph.
protected  PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.flowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> context, Unit unit, PointsToGraph in)
          Performs operations on points-to graphs depending on the statement inside a CFG node.
protected  PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.handleInvoke(Context<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> callerContext, Stmt callStmt, InvokeExpr ie, PointsToGraph in)
          Handles a call site by resolving the targets of the method invocation.
 PointsToGraph op1, PointsToGraph op2)
          Returns the union of two points-to graphs.
 void PointsToGraph.subtractHeap(PointsToGraph other)
          Removes nodes contained in the argument.
 void PointsToGraph.union(PointsToGraph p, PointsToGraph q)
          Sets this graph to the union of the given arguments.

Method parameters in vasco.callgraph with type arguments of type PointsToGraph
protected  PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.flowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> context, Unit unit, PointsToGraph in)
          Performs operations on points-to graphs depending on the statement inside a CFG node.
protected  PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.handleInvoke(Context<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> callerContext, Stmt callStmt, InvokeExpr ie, PointsToGraph in)
          Handles a call site by resolving the targets of the method invocation.

Constructors in vasco.callgraph with parameters of type PointsToGraph
PointsToGraph(PointsToGraph other)
          Constructs a copy of the given points-to graph.