Uses of Class

Packages that use Context

Uses of Context in vasco

Fields in vasco with type parameters of type Context
protected  Stack<Context<M,N,A>> OldForwardInterProceduralAnalysis.analysisStack
protected  Map<Context<M,N,A>,Set<CallSite<M,N,A>>> ContextTransitionTable.callers
          A map from contexts to a set of call-sites that transition to it.
protected  Map<Context<M,N,A>,Set<CallSite<M,N,A>>> ContextTransitionTable.callSitesOfContexts
          A map of contexts to call-sites present within their method bodies.
protected  Map<M,List<Context<M,N,A>>> InterProceduralAnalysis.contexts
          A mapping from methods to a list of contexts for quick lookups.
protected  Map<CallSite<M,N,A>,Map<M,Context<M,N,A>>> ContextTransitionTable.transitions
          A map from call-sites to contexts, parameterised by the called method.
protected  NavigableSet<Context<M,N,A>> InterProceduralAnalysis.worklist
          A work-list of contexts to process.

Methods in vasco that return Context
 Context<M,N,A> CallSite.getCallingContext()
          Returns the value context at this call-site.
 Context<M,N,A> InterProceduralAnalysis.getContext(M method, A value)
          Retrieves a particular value context if it has been constructed.
protected  Context<M,N,A> BackwardInterProceduralAnalysis.initContext(M method, A exitValue)
          Creates a new value context and initialises data flow values for its nodes.
protected  Context<M,N,A> ForwardInterProceduralAnalysis.initContext(M method, A entryValue)
          Creates a new value context and initialises data flow values for its nodes.

Methods in vasco that return types with arguments of type Context
 Map<Context<M,N,A>,Set<CallSite<M,N,A>>> ContextTransitionTable.getCallers()
          Returns an unmodifiable view of the mapping from contexts to their callers.
 Map<Context<M,N,A>,Set<CallSite<M,N,A>>> ContextTransitionTable.getCallSitesOfContexts()
          Returns an unmodifiable view of a mapping from calling contexts to all their call-sites.
 List<Context<M,N,A>> InterProceduralAnalysis.getContexts(M method)
          Returns a list of value contexts constructed for a given method.
 Map<M,Context<M,N,A>> ContextTransitionTable.getTargets(CallSite<M,N,A> callSite)
          Returns the targets of a call-site.
 Map<M,Context<M,N,A>> InterProceduralAnalysis.getTargets(CallSite<M,N,A> callSite)
          Returns the target of a call-site.
 Map<CallSite<M,N,A>,Map<M,Context<M,N,A>>> ContextTransitionTable.getTransitions()
          Returns an unmodifiable view of context transitions.
 Set<Context<M,N,A>> ContextTransitionTable.reachableSet(Context<M,N,A> source, boolean ignoreFree)
          Computes a reachable set of value contexts from a particular source by traversing the context transition table.

Methods in vasco with parameters of type Context
 void ContextTransitionTable.addTransition(CallSite<M,N,A> callSite, Context<M,N,A> targetContext)
          Adds a transition to the table.
abstract  A BackwardInterProceduralAnalysis.callEntryFlowFunction(Context<M,N,A> context, M targetMethod, N node, A entryValue)
          Processes the inter-procedural flow function for a method call at the start of the call, to handle parameters.
abstract  A ForwardInterProceduralAnalysis.callEntryFlowFunction(Context<M,N,A> context, M targetMethod, N node, A inValue)
          Processes the inter-procedural flow function for a method call at the start of the call, to handle parameters.
abstract  A BackwardInterProceduralAnalysis.callExitFlowFunction(Context<M,N,A> context, M targetMethod, N node, A outValue)
          Processes the inter-procedural flow function for a method call at the end of the call, to handle return values.
abstract  A ForwardInterProceduralAnalysis.callExitFlowFunction(Context<M,N,A> context, M targetMethod, N node, A exitValue)
          Processes the inter-procedural flow function for a method call at the end of the call, to handle return values.
abstract  A BackwardInterProceduralAnalysis.callLocalFlowFunction(Context<M,N,A> context, N node, A outValue)
          Processes the intra-procedural flow function for a method call at the call-site itself, to handle propagation of local values that are not involved in the call.
abstract  A ForwardInterProceduralAnalysis.callLocalFlowFunction(Context<M,N,A> context, N node, A inValue)
          Processes the intra-procedural flow function for a method call at the call-site itself, to handle propagation of local values that are not involved in the call.
 int Context.compareTo(Context<M,N,A> other)
          Compares two contexts by their globally unique IDs.
protected abstract  A OldForwardInterProceduralAnalysis.flowFunction(Context<M,N,A> context, N unit, A in)
 Set<CallSite<M,N,A>> ContextTransitionTable.getCallers(Context<M,N,A> target)
          Returns the callers of a value context.
 Set<CallSite<M,N,A>> InterProceduralAnalysis.getCallers(Context<M,N,A> target)
          Returns the callers of a value context.
protected  void OldForwardInterProceduralAnalysis.initContext(Context<M,N,A> context, A entryValue)
          Deprecated. Creates a new context and initialises data flow values.
abstract  A BackwardInterProceduralAnalysis.normalFlowFunction(Context<M,N,A> context, N node, A outValue)
          Processes the intra-procedural flow function of a statement that does not contain a method call.
abstract  A ForwardInterProceduralAnalysis.normalFlowFunction(Context<M,N,A> context, N node, A inValue)
          Processes the intra-procedural flow function of a statement that does not contain a method call.
protected  A OldForwardInterProceduralAnalysis.processCall(Context<M,N,A> callerContext, N callNode, M method, A entryValue)
          Deprecated. Processes a call statement.
 Set<Context<M,N,A>> ContextTransitionTable.reachableSet(Context<M,N,A> source, boolean ignoreFree)
          Computes a reachable set of value contexts from a particular source by traversing the context transition table.

Constructors in vasco with parameters of type Context
CallSite(Context<M,N,A> callingContext, N callStmt)
          Constructs a new call site with the given parameters.

Uses of Context in vasco.callgraph

Methods in vasco.callgraph with parameters of type Context
protected  PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.flowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> context, Unit unit, PointsToGraph in)
          Performs operations on points-to graphs depending on the statement inside a CFG node.
protected  PointsToGraph PointsToAnalysis.handleInvoke(Context<SootMethod,Unit,PointsToGraph> callerContext, Stmt callStmt, InvokeExpr ie, PointsToGraph in)
          Handles a call site by resolving the targets of the method invocation.

Uses of Context in vasco.soot.examples

Methods in vasco.soot.examples with parameters of type Context
 Map<Local,Constant> CopyConstantAnalysis.callEntryFlowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,Map<Local,Constant>> context, SootMethod calledMethod, Unit unit, Map<Local,Constant> inValue)
 Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign> SignAnalysis.callEntryFlowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign>> context, SootMethod calledMethod, Unit unit, Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign> inValue)
 Map<Local,Constant> CopyConstantAnalysis.callExitFlowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,Map<Local,Constant>> context, SootMethod calledMethod, Unit unit, Map<Local,Constant> exitValue)
 Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign> SignAnalysis.callExitFlowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign>> context, SootMethod calledMethod, Unit unit, Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign> exitValue)
 Map<Local,Constant> CopyConstantAnalysis.callLocalFlowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,Map<Local,Constant>> context, Unit unit, Map<Local,Constant> inValue)
 Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign> SignAnalysis.callLocalFlowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign>> context, Unit unit, Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign> inValue)
 Map<Local,Constant> CopyConstantAnalysis.normalFlowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,Map<Local,Constant>> context, Unit unit, Map<Local,Constant> inValue)
 Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign> SignAnalysis.normalFlowFunction(Context<SootMethod,Unit,Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign>> context, Unit unit, Map<Local,SignAnalysis.Sign> inValue)